Sunday, June 23, 2013

DIY Blueberry Face Mask

Hi Glam's

Did you know blueberries & acne go hand in hand ,although acne is typically attributable more to hormones than to the physical condition of your skin, certain nutrients can counteract the hormonal conditions which encourage pimples. Many of the vitamins in blueberries may neutralize or normalize oil levels in your skin, making it healthier and less likely to accumulate sebum. Vitamin A, in particular, is used in a variety of acne-related skin treatments.

The antioxidants and phytochemicals found in blueberries help to neutralize free radicals, which might otherwise damage skin cells, leaving your skin with a younger and softer look and feel. A diet high in fat and carbohydrates can also encourage skin aging, so blueberries prevent aging by providing you with many needed nutrients while providing very low levels of fat and cholesterol.

Lately since I've been reading about all these great thing blueberries can do to your skin and body , I thought id give it a try to make my own DIY mask using blueberries .

DIY Blueberry Mask 

What You Will Need:
 Organic Blueberries (1/4 cup , I used less since I didnt want leftovers)
Sugar ( 1-2 tsp)
Raw Honey (1 tbsp)
Lemon(optional) (Half)
Olive Oil (1tbsp)
Bowl for mixing(you can also blend this for a smoother consistency)
Fork/spoon/measuring spoons

1. Pulse the first four ingredients in a blender until smooth, or smash it in a bowl
2. Sprinkle in sugar and massage evenly over the face, being careful of the eye area.
3. Leave mask on for ten minutes.
4. Remove with a warm, damp cloth.

You can strain the liquid from the blueberry skin if you didn't use a blender or just leave it !
I had so much fun making my own DIY mask , and this is one that I will be using again , plus is tasted pretty darn good too :) ! I cant wait to try out more DIY mask again .

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What Is Your Favorite DIY Beauty Mask , Please Share In The Comments Id Love To Try More Of Them !

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