Sunday, October 16, 2011

DYI Nail Polish Rack.. Please check this out. it pretty COOL LOOKING

Most people know i have a ton of nail polish , Im such a nail polish junkie, i have to have the latest one and color and what not , so for the longest time I stored my polish in this box that i got at Ikea, but since i had so much , it was laying around everywhere.. Ugh so my dad( the builder) and I came up with this template or a nail polish rack/hold.. since I have over 100 bottle of nail polish i had to make mine kinda big , but big in a good way ,it 24 x 48 inches  ha s 8 shelves  that hold about 20 polishes on each shelf , about 150 nail polish all together depending on the size and shape of the bottles also the bottle of the rack is a little cubbie that you can hold your ( nail junk, such has files, buffer, clippers Etc...) Neat right, it all made out of good quality wood , so it gonna last forever also I have this huge obsession with leopard print, so I painted the whole thing leopard print, and it not any old boring leopard print. Hehe ...My dad and I do plan on selling this since I no alot of people with a ton of nail polish and have no room to go with it ,so this is a convenient and outta of the way holder, the great thing about these is that it made to fix behind a door or on a door ,  so it not gonna be a huge eye sore, but yes you can hang it on the wall if you like, so I hope you do enjoy this,  I no I did , it was super fun to paint.

Bottom Cubbie
 What Do Y'all Think? I Love it.


  1. This is so cute! I really need something like this to store my nail varnish but there's no way i'd have the skill to make one haha. Love the leopard print design on it :) xx

  2. This is awesome!! Its so cute! You did a fantastic job <3

  3. Your dad is really talented! I love your paint job ;)

  4. WOWOWOWWO!!! looks awesome! how much will you guys be selling it for? what a great papa!

  5. i love it! i soooooo need one of these ;-)

  6. I want one!! I don't even own that many nail polishes but it loos so cool. You must have a great dad
    Grace xx

  7. Thanks girls. where gonna be selling them for 30 dollar, ofcourse if any one want one like this it will be custom order =] once we get alot of them built i will def let u girls no. i will be doing it via paypal.

  8. This is hot! Thanks for the love xxx

  9. This is such a brilliant idea, I wish I had something similar to stock my polishes plus I love the leopard print, hehe =)
    Very nice blog, if you want we could follow each other, let me know if you follow my blog and I will surely follow back !

    Fashion and Cookies
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  10. new Follower !! love the Rack , i wish my dad could make one for me :P

  11. Woooow, amazing idea, I love it, and you have so many nail polishes :))

  12. OMG this is so adorable! I wish I had that much nail polish to need a rack like this! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following you now! :)

  13. Wow, that is so cute! Great paint job!


  14. This is so neat!
