Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Top Three Must-Have Tools That Should Be in Every Woman's Makeup Bag (Do You Have Them All?)

As a beauty lover, you totally fail if you don't have these three tools in your possession.*  

1) An eyelash curler. Yes, they look scary and torturous, but just look at the difference it makes.

2) A big, fluffy makeup brush for things like bronzer and face powder. I'm partial to a kabuki brush (like this cute pink one), but any big, fluffy one will do.
3) A great set of tweezers. You really need a pair with great hold to get those little stubborn short hairs. My personal favorite: Tweezerman tweezers
Do you have all three of these? And what do you consider a must-have for any beauty lover?
* This is not true at all—these three tools are just the must-haves in my opinion!



  1. I've heard so many things about Tweezerman tweezers. Unfortunately I've been using the same tweezer since high school and I don't even know where I got it from lol...btw, thanks for posting up my giveaway on your sidebar! Please do post the large banner on your blog to qualify...Good Luck!

  2. A love your posts but in Brazil I never see this products, argh.
